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NANDO lands in Capgemini Italy

NANDO lands in Capgemini Italy.

A new company has joined our Zero-Waste mission: we welcome Capgemini Italy! NANDO has been installed across six italian permises: Rome, La Spezia, Bologna, Milan, Marcon, and Naples. This partnership aims to transform Capgemini’s waste sorting procedures and promote sustainability.

Transforming Waste Management Across Six Cities

With NANDO installed in multiple locations, Capgemini is taking significant steps towards improving its waste management practices. Covering six major cities, including Rome, La Spezia, Bologna, Milan, Marcon, and Naples, NANDO ensures a broad and impactful reach. Our tool provides real-time data and actionable insights, enabling Capgemini to optimize waste sorting and significantly reduce its environmental impact across a wide geographical area.

Extensive Impact and Reach

By covering multiple cities, NANDO not only helps streamline waste management processes in Capgemini’s individual offices but also ensures a unified approach to sustainability across all locations. This extensive coverage allows for a larger cumulative impact, reinforcing the importance of consistent and efficient waste management practices. Each city’s office benefits from NANDO’s capabilities, leading to a substantial overall reduction in waste and a more cohesive environmental strategy.

Shared Vision for Sustainability

This collaboration underscores our shared commitment to sustainability. Together with Capgemini’s sustainable vision, we strive to manage waste generation effectively and promote eco-friendly practices within their operations. By implementing NANDO across various cities, Capgemini demonstrates its dedication to reducing its carbon footprint and setting a standard for other organizations to follow.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Capgemini and the ISS Facility Services Italy team for believing in NANDO and supporting our sustainable vision. Their trust and collaboration have been instrumental in driving this initiative forward.

The installation of NANDO in Capgemini’s offices marks a significant milestone in our Zero-Waste mission. We are excited about the positive changes this partnership will bring and look forward to collaborating with more organizations committed to sustainability. Stay tuned for updates and join us in making a difference!

Capgemini is now part of our Zero-Waste mission.

Will your organization be the next to take this inspiring step?

By partnering with NANDO, companies can make a significant impact on the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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