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NANDO Impact: Lavazza Group case study

NANDO Impact: Lavazza Group case study.

Our case studies illustrate the transformative impact of NANDO on enhancing service quality, promoting sustainability and reducing operational costs for businesses.

Transforming waste management

In just six months, ReLearn and Lavazza Group achieved a remarkable 60% increase in waste segregation. This success resulted from a tailored educational service on best practices and an innovative inter-floor Circular Challenge designed to boost awareness of waste management rules. These initiatives have significantly improved waste sorting processes, contributing to a more efficient and eco-friendly workplace.

Boosting operational efficiencies

By implementing these measures, Lavazza Group has seen notable operational efficiencies. The increased waste segregation rate has streamlined waste management procedures, resulting in cost savings and reduced environmental impact. This efficiency not only benefits the company financially but also aligns with Lavazza Group’s commitment to sustainability.

Engaging employees for a sustainable future

One of the key outcomes of this initiative has been the engagement of all employees in creating a more sustainable workplace environment. The inter-floor Circular Challenge fostered a sense of competition and collaboration among employees, encouraging them to adopt sustainable practices in their daily routines. This active participation has led to a cultural shift within the organization, with employees taking pride in contributing to Lavazza Group’s sustainability goals.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Antonio Curlante and the Lavazza Group for their dedication to change. Their collaboration and commitment to sustainability have been instrumental in realizing these achievements. By choosing NANDO, Lavazza Group demonstrates how innovative waste management solutions can drive significant positive change.

Lavazza Group’s success story is a testament to the power of innovative solutions and employee engagement in achieving sustainability goals. We invite more companies to join us in this mission to create a more sustainable future.

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