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A2A joined our Zero-Waste Mission

A2A joined our Zero-Waste Mission. This partnership marks a significant step towards reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.

New Mission, New Partner

NANDO arrives in in two different A2A buildings. Our innovative waste monitoring tool will help A2A track and reduce waste production. By providing detailed waste data through our dashboard, NANDO empowers A2A to improve waste management and raise awareness within its community.

How NANDO Makes a Difference

With NANDO in place, A2A can monitor its waste production in real-time. Our dashboard offers comprehensive data, enabling A2A to make informed decisions about waste reduction and recycling. Consequently, this not only helps in minimizing environmental impact, but also promotes a culture of sustainability within the organization.

Join the Revolution

The A2A team is now part of our growing Zero-Waste community. We invite other companies to join us in this important mission. By adopting NANDO, your organization can benefit from improved waste management practices and contribute to a greener future.

Get Involved

Do you want to join the revolution? Contact the NANDO team via our website or our LinkedIn page. We are eager to partner with more companies committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility.


Welcoming A2A to our Zero-Waste mission is a proud moment for us. Together, we are taking concrete steps towards a sustainable future. NANDO’s ability to provide real-time waste data and actionable insights makes it an invaluable tool for any organization aiming to reduce its environmental footprint.

Thank you to the A2A team for believing in NANDO and our mission. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this partnership will bring.

For more information, visit our website ReLearn or connect with us on our LinkedIn Page. Let’s make a difference together!