ReLearn is a sustainable partner at “Il Salone della CSR e dell’Innovazione Sociale” This year, ReLearn is a sustainable partner at “Il Salone della CSR e dell’Innovazione Sociale“, a significant…
We couldn’t be prouder of the big achievement we are sharing with you all today! Our CFO Fabrizio Custorella is officially among the top 100 Forbes innovators under 30 for 2023!…
ReLearn has been selected for the semi-finals of the Global Talent Award among almost 400 participants from 65 countries. The startup is competing for SDG13: CLIMATE ACTION bringing its innovative…
ReLearn won the 10th edition of the European Social Innovation Competition (EUSIC): the European competition that evaluates social innovators from EU Member States considering their degree of innovation, impact and…
ReLearn has been awarded by Confindustria Chieti Pescara at the Contest “CAMPIONI DI INNOVAZIONI 2022”. The Turin-based startup founders were among the entrepreneurs, managers, experts and startuppers that were invited to…
ReLearn has been awarded by Impatta, UNICEF and Earth Day Italia. The prize was given as part of the #Call4Earth initiative, launched during the 52nd Earth Day. ReLearn has been selected by Impatta the italian…
ReLearn is the winner of the SMAU 2022 INNOVATION AWARD together with City Green Light. Alessandro Bortoletto and City Green Light believed in ReLearn, bringing NANDO to Trapani to guide public administration in the…
ReLearn has been shortlisted for the European Social Innovation Competition 2022: the competition that evaluate social innovators from EU Member States considering their degree of innovation, impact and sustainability …continue.
ReLearn è la vincitrice del Premio nazionale per l’innovazione “Premio dei Premi” 2022, istituito presso la Fondazione Cotec per concessione del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana. Questo premio viene assegnato annualmente…
ReLearn è stata decretata vincitrice del contest AI4GOV riservato alle startup. Giudicata positivamente sulla base di criteri quali innovazione e impatto sociale …continua