On october 21 ReLearn was invited on the stage of CNA NEXT, in Milan to bring its experience of sustainability and circular economy as a model that can inspire people…
ReLearn was a guest speaker at Forum Futuro Quotidiano in Milan to discuss the opportunity to innovate with startups for big companies as well as small and medium enterprises. The…
Talent Garden organized its usual community lunch on October 19th in its headquarters in Turin, gathering a vibrant community of innovators in the same room sharing its lunch and exchanging…
On World Food Day 2022, ReLearn joined ITCILO in Turin for a training and awareness event. On this occasion, NANDO has been installed in the campus, bringing a new technology…
ReLearn was invited by Green Media Lab for a training day on waste reduction in Milan. All employees were involved in a one-hour lesson on the importance of proper waste…
ReLearn has been selected for the Built Environment Circular ClimAccelerator programme with the aim to spread circular innovations across Europe. It is the only #CleanTech startup that will soon start this incredible…
ReLearn è stata selezionata per partecipare a SMAU Milano 2022. SMAU è la principale fiera italiana dedicata all’innovazione per le imprese e i professionisti. ReLearn sarà presente entrambi i giorni…
Sono passati sei mesi dall’installazione dei cestini intelligenti “Nando” nello spazio co-working di Talent Garden a Torino. In questo breve tempo, i risultati ottenuti sono già entusiasmanti: il tasso di…
Questa settimana siamo stati a Trapani per inaugurare l’installazione di due Nando. I nostri cestini intelligenti sono ora attivi nel Comune di Trapani e nella Scuola Secondaria di primo grado…
Inizia la collaborazione tra Talent Garden e ReLearn negli spazi co-working di Torino …continua