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NANDO has landed in I Gigli shopping center

NANDO has landed in I Gigli shopping center! By consequence, Eurocommercial Properties N.V. will be our new sustainable partner, by chosing NANDO.

EUROCOMMERCIAL Properties NV: Our New Sustainable Partner!

We are proud to share that Eurocommercial Properties N.V. has chosen NANDO as their waste management solution. Specifically, NANDO will monitor the recycling collection at I Gigli Shopping Center in the province of Florence, one of the biggest shopping centers in Italy.

NANDO at I Gigli Shopping Center

NANDO, our innovative waste monitoring tool, has been installed at I Gigli Shopping Center. This marks a significant step towards revolutionizing waste management in large venues that attract millions of visitors each year. By implementing NANDO, I Gigli aims to enhance its recycling efforts and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

The Impact of NANDO

NANDO provides real-time data and actionable insights that enable effective waste management. By monitoring waste production and recycling processes, NANDO helps identify areas for improvement and optimize waste sorting. This technology not only reduces waste but also increases recycling rates, making a substantial impact on the environment.

Our Partnership with Eurocommercial Properties N.V.

We are delighted to have Eurocommercial Properties N.V. and I Gigli Shopping Center as part of our mission. This partnership underscores our commitment to promoting sustainable practices in large commercial spaces. Together, we aim to set a new standard for waste management in shopping centers and beyond.

We’re excited about the positive changes NANDO will bring to I Gigli Shopping Center.

We invite more businesses and organizations to join us in our mission to achieve a zero-waste future.

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