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NANDO Impact: A2A case study

NANDO Impact: A2A case study.

Our case studies illustrate the powerful impact of NANDO in enhancing service quality, promoting sustainability and reducing operational costs for businesses.

Advancing Sustainability at A2A

A2A has made significant strides towards sustainability with the help of NANDO. Through our comprehensive educational program and the active participation of 1,000 engaged individuals daily, A2A offices have become more sustainable. By using NANDO, A2A improved its waste segregation by 60%, achieving better circularity performances and significantly reducing its environmental footprint.

Transforming waste management practices

NANDO’s implementation at A2A has transformed waste management practices within the organization. Our innovative waste monitoring tool provides real-time data and actionable insights, empowering A2A to optimize its waste sorting processes. As a result, the company has achieved substantial improvements in waste segregation, ensuring that a higher percentage of materials are correctly sorted and recycled.

Engaging the A2A community

The success of this initiative can be attributed to the active engagement of A2A employees and the effectiveness of our educational program. By fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility, we have inspired employees to adopt more eco-friendly practices in their daily routines. This cultural shift not only benefits the company but also contributes to a more sustainable future.

Setting new standards in sustainability

Through these efforts, A2A sets new standards in sustainability and waste management. NANDO’s real-time monitoring and detailed insights have allowed A2A to make informed decisions and drive positive change.

This partnership highlights the power of technology and collaboration in achieving sustainability goals.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Alessandro Enrico Bianchi and the entire A2A team for their dedication to change. Their commitment to sustainability has been instrumental in realizing these achievements. By choosing NANDO, A2A demonstrates how innovative waste management solutions can create a lasting impact.

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