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NANDO has landed in Deloitte Milan!

We are delighted to announce a significant milestone: we welcome Deloitte into our zero-waste mission!

NANDO, our innovative zero-waste monitoring tool, has been implemented in Deloitte Consulting’s Milan office. This partnership signifies a major step towards revolutionizing waste management practices within their corporate environment.

NANDO is much more than a monitoring tool.

NANDO has landed in Deloitte Milan to serve as a powerful instrument in achieving many crucial objectives:

👥 Raising Awareness: By implementing NANDO, we aim to educate and raise awareness within the business community about the critical importance of responsible waste management. It provides valuable insights that help organizations understand their waste production patterns and the impact they have on the environment.

🌿 Inspiring Sustainable Practices: Our innovative tool inspires sustainable practices within organizations, encouraging them to adopt eco-friendly habits and reduce their environmental footprint. NANDO provides actionable data that helps companies develop and implement strategies for sustainability.

♻️ Boosting Recycling Rates: One of our primary goals is to achieve the highest recycling rates in office environments. NANDO plays a pivotal role by helping companies identify opportunities for recycling improvement, thereby reducing waste sent to landfills and enhancing overall sustainability.

We take immense pride in having Deloitte Consulting join forces with us in our mission to create a more sustainable future. Their commitment to embracing innovative waste management solutions is a testament to their dedication to corporate social responsibility and environmental stewardship.

However, our journey towards a zero-waste future is far from over, and we believe in the power of collaboration. We extend an open invitation to more companies to join our #ZeroWasteMission. Together, we can make a significant impact and drive meaningful change towards a more sustainable world.

Will your organization be the next to take this inspiring step? 👀

NANDO has landed in Deloitte Milan, but will your company be the next Zero-Waste Hero?

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