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NANDO lands in Sisal offices 

NANDO lands in Sisal offices. Our innovative waste monitoring tool, has found its new home in Sisal’s Milan and Rome buildings. This cutting-edge solution is set to revolutionize the company’s waste management practices. By meticulously monitoring and optimizing waste production, NANDO will help Sisal contribute to a more sustainable environmental footprint.

The Impact of NANDO

NANDO empowers Sisal to take control of its waste management with precision. It provides real-time data and actionable insights, enabling the company to reduce waste and improve recycling rates. With NANDO, Sisal can track waste production in detail, identify areas for improvement, and implement effective strategies to achieve Zero Waste goals.

Our Vision

At ReLearn, our vision is to inspire the business community to embrace environmentally friendly methods. We aim to help companies attain the highest standards of recycling within their office environments. By partnering with innovative companies like Sisal, we can demonstrate the power of technology in driving sustainable practices.

Join the Movement

Sisal is with us on this journey towards sustainability. Are you? We invite more companies to join our #zerowaste mission and take meaningful steps towards a greener future. With NANDO, we provide the tools and support needed to make a significant impact.


The installation of NANDO in Sisal’s Milan and Rome buildings marks a significant achievement in our efforts to promote sustainability. We are excited to see the positive changes it will bring and look forward to inspiring more businesses to follow suit.

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