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Our incredible year with NANDO

Our incredibile year with NANDO.

Let’s see together what happened:

📊 NANDO Results:

  • 7 countries reached
  • 45 companies involved
  • 1000 NANDOs installed

💪🏻 Our Achievements:

  • 3000 daily monitor interactions
  • 5012 kg of waste properly sorted
  • 4.806 kg of CO2e saved thanks to proper waste sorting
  • 78% improvement in recycling rate

🏆 Our Big Triumphs:

  • We grew our precious Team
  • We closed a €1 million Seed Round
  • We launched a new product in the market
  • We landed in new markets such as Airports, Railways, Healthcare, and Shopping Centers

This year, NANDO has made significant strides in promoting sustainable waste management. We are proud to have reached seven countries, involved 45 companies, and installed 1000 NANDOs. Our achievements include 3000 daily monitor interactions, properly sorting 5012 kg of waste, saving 4.806 kg of CO2e, and improving recycling rates by 78%.

Our Team and Growth

We are thrilled to have grown our team, secured a €1 million seed round, and launched a new product. Moreover, we have expanded into new markets, including airports, railways, healthcare, and shopping centers. These milestones reflect our commitment to innovation and sustainability.

Gratitude and Future Plans

We want to express our gratitude to our clients, partners, and supporters who have been with us throughout this amazing year. As we step into 2024, we carry the lessons learned and the victories celebrated. Together, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

Thank You and Happy Holidays!

Thank you for being a part of our Zero-Waste journey. Your support has been invaluable in making these achievements possible. We look forward to another year of progress and innovation. Happy holidays from the ReLearn team!

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